In this book you will learn
how creative professionals deal with the idea of ​​development
and manage others to inspire you with their ideas. 
It also noted already, the one with the writing of the book, even just in a similar process ends up, because you do not know now what will be here at the end of the article ... 
Why are there so many personages of with it? 

It's simple. Each of these people represents an area largely falls themselves well to my field of interest. Music, fashion, photography in particular and print design / media. Some familiar faces like Calvin Hollywood (Photographer), Jena Gesse (book designer), Erik Faulhaber (font developer) and Miguel Fernandez (Cartoonist) adorn the book. But three close friends on my part to give their creative - on their own development of ideas. 

The book is not a commercial product for now. My personal preparation. 
I do point out that I promised the personages of, not to make it for commercial benefit. 

I think it could probably be interesting and informative. So if someone finds this post who can offer me a platform or someone just interested to read in itself, please send an email to 
many thanks 


Calvin Hollywood -
Rico Zartner:
Alex Stertzik -
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